Vox Friends of Refugees

I have the pleasure of being part of a passionate team who is working on bringing a refugee to our beautiful country.  Up until now it has involved a lot of things that I am not too keen on - lots of meetings, talking and other things that involve sitting in one spot with a lot of concentration.  And while these are things that I can do it is not something that comes naturally to me.  I like action and thrive when I am in movement. 

Our team has reached a point where we need to start being active - albeit in something that I also suck at - asking for money.  It is much easier for me to type the words then to say them aloud.  So here they are.  We need money.  I am making it my goal to personally raise $1000.00.  This will cover one month of expenses that our group is responsible of covering. 

I would ask that you prayerfully consider helping me reach that goal.  While you may be donating the money because you know me. Thanks in advance from the person who you are really giving this to - the person who is coming to Canada who will be using this money to create a new life.

Here is a link that takes you to my CanadaHelps page that you can donate at. (As a technical side note as we are doing this through my Church Vox Alliance you will be able to get a gift receipt for your donation)