Good Morning World

Good Morning World! Okay I am doing this.  These words that I am about to write, have been floating around in my mind are going to end up on this page by the time the day is done.  It is 9:39am... I will let you know when the last word it written.
            My world is on the cusp of change. My husband and I have THREE payments left on my student loans.  T-Minus Six weeks until freedom! With this accomplishment a new world opens up.  Since I graduated I have not stopped living as a student.  We scrimp and save and put all extra money towards this debt.  We have lived a very streamlined life; no internet, no tv, new clothes - what are those?  I have strictly held to the techniques Dave Ramsey’s Finanical Peace University teaches.  I highly recommend it.
            Anyways onto the freedom! With the accomplishment of being debt free in our grasp we are now imagining new goals! It is funny all of the things on my list, they remind me of my goals as a child that I never quite got to. 
1.  Learn how to take better photos.
2.  Get better at writing. 
3.  Learn about graphic design.
This coincides with my desire to take better photos.  Combining colors and weaving them with text and lighting is a thought that peaks my interest. This is one of those things I will never do really well, but it is something that I know I can do better. 
4. Read more books.
I don’t mean to just devour books, gobbling up the lettered images.  I mean taking my time and trying to understand the multiple layers intricately written into each chapter. If you knew me in public school and I asked you to sponsor me for the MS Read-A-Thon then you will also know that I averaged reading 50 books that week. (no one ever sponsored me a perbook rate lol) 
5. Get back to my piano. 

Whew so that is it!  Five things... that doesn’t seam like much. However I have a feeling that this post was the easiest post of this adventure.  Next thing on the to do list? Figure out how I am going to accomplish all of this. Some of them it is simply managing my time better to sit my butt down at the piano bench. Others I am not quite sure how to begin.  Any suggestions are welcome.

My goal (what another one?) to keep me on track with my five objectives is to post each week, relating to something.  I hope that I can be that disciplined.  I often have the words floating in my brain but getting them down is another issue.

Enough for today. Type you later!

 P.S. I am typing this last word at 3:06 PM… Three days after starting.