Blue Birds

Whew, Finally getting on top of my online life again.   Life has been crazy the past two weeks.  I was privileged to support a friend through a death in her family, get together with coworkers to study a course together and then there was the piece de resistance a trip to Blue Mountain with a bunch of friends.  I am always surprised by the amount of work that needs to happen BEFORE Kalend and I go away.  There is nothing better then coming home to a clean house after a time away, and when we cant take bow with us we have house sitters come and take care of the pooch while we are gone. 
Okay on to what you really want to hear about, the trip. 
Kalend and I try to get away to Blue Mountain for a weekend every year.  This year we were able to round up a crew of six to go and hit the hills together.  I love being on the ski hill.  There is nothing quite like it.  In past years I have had one main problem on the hill… my brain.  I can’t stop thinking, analyzing where each ski is placed, my posture, where on the hill to go next and thinking about each individual muscle that is contracted with each swoop as I make my way down the mountain.  My husband is always laughing at me. And always answers with the phrase “stop thinking”. 
That is near impossible.  My brain is always running, at work this is something that is demanded of me, and has become a habit that is hard to kick.  I experimented this weekend.  I brought my music onto the hill with me so instead of thinking about the act of skiing my mind was soaring with the voice of Josh Groban.  (yes I ski to classical, I am a very atypical girl).  I was able to relax, enjoy the view from the hill and take each run as its own.  I knew that I could manage what ever came my way – and even if I couldn’t I would just muddle my way through it.  I know that I still have a lot to improve on the hill, but now I have the confidence to tackle it. 
It caused me to think, how often do I do that with other things in my life? How often do I over think and fight the things that would come naturally if I just let them? As I type those questions I don’t even know if I want to delve deeper into that question. If I answer it honestly it opens a lot of work for me.  I’ll ponder that one for a while.
P.S. I have two book reviews in the works, just putting the finishing touches on them.  Hope to have them up soon.  If you want to stay up to date on the books that I am reading follow me on Goodreads.  I just discovered it and it has been really useful to keep track of all the books that I am reading.  
P.P.S. I managed to sit down at my piano twice the last two weeks. Not much but a start.