The Double Edged Sword

As many of you know Kalend and I moved this past month.

We went from the great metropolis of London; to the blink and you miss it town of Harrington, Ontario.

From a one bedroom apartment that consisted of a hallway for a kitchen, a living room, a miniscule dining room which was converted into my study for school and a bedroom.

We now rent a four-bedroom house that has a massive kitchen – it takes up half of the main floor.

Kalend and I have taken two of the bedrooms and morphed them into our own perspective havens - he has the man cave and I have a craft room.  

My new home of solitude

While living in London, I can honestly say that Kalend and I never truly felt at home.

Our hearts always yearned for open fields and the pleasure of looking out the window at night and not being able to see anything at night other then the stars.

Ah! The delight of real darkness at night is something that I treasure.

As much as I have enjoyed the new beginning that Kalend and I have found out here.

There have been some unexpected changes happening in me.

If you had asked any of my friends in London the one thing that I never had enough of was alone time.

Every where you go in the city there are people;

it is impossible to escape them.

You drive down a road and there is always another vehicle ahead of you, or more likely tailing your rear end trying to urge to travel faster.

If you were to go for a run

there were always people watching.

Even in my apartment – the place where one would think that I could be alone - I could not escape the sounds of my neighbors. Windows opening and closing, people jumping and basses booming was not the soundtrack that I had hoped to live with.

Since we have moved to our new home. I have had three weeks of solitude.

The thing that I craved so much arrived and I learned that I didn't want it as much as I had thought.  It is a doubled edged sword.

Often when people think of being alone the thought that comes to mind is of escape; it could be from emotions, people, or any number of other things.

However I have found the opposite to be true.

After being alone for so long I have nothing left to do but face my problems.

The things that I have avoided the most is now the only thing that I have left to sort out.

The boxes from the apartment have been unpacked and I now must move to opening the boxes that I have hidden in my heart.

Some have been there for years.

The church that I attend is currently going through a series on living fruitful lives.  As an introduction to the series we went through the painful process pruning that happens in one's spiritual life.  Well let me tell you some serious cleaving is happening.  The sharp blade of being alone is doing a good work in my life. 

If you want to listen to any of the sermons in this series. I have really been enjoying the series. 

Here is the link

 (The series starts on the mothers days sermon). Enjoy.